Ясни са имената на новите министри, които ще поемат постовете на тримата в оставка

Ясни са имената на новите министри, които ще поемат постовете на тримата в оставка
10 Септември 2018, Понеделник

Оставките на регионалния, транспортния и вътрешния министър ще бъдат внесени в НС в четвъртък

Автор: Янко Крумов

Ясни са имената на новите министри, които ще поемат постовете тримата министри, подали оставка заради фаталната катастрофа край Своге, взела живота на 17 души.

„В четвъртък внасяме трите оставки в парламента. Политическата отговорност трябва да се понесе". Това каза премиерът Бойко Борисов на брифинг след коалиционния съвет между ГЕРБ и Обединени патриоти (НФСБ, ВМРО и Атака) в Министерски съвет.

Борисов добави, че се радва, че и тримата министри са получили добри оценки за работата си.

"За да не се спекулира с имена, ще ви кажа за кандидатите върху които сме се спрели - за министерството на транспорта Александър Манолев, за министър на вътрешните работи Младен Маринов и за министър на регионалното министерство - Петя Аврамова", каза още той и добави, че е поел ангажимент "да събираме коалиционния съвет при всички важни теми". Точно едноличния стил на управление от страна Бойко Борисов предизвика недоволството на НФСБ.

Припомняме позицията на Националния фронт за спасение на България ТУК

Петя Аврамова

Младен Маринов

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Приятел на България
11.09.2018 02:10:48
This is Bulgaria - Dobrogea Region


Само част от коментарите на румънците относно България и румънската (Южна) Добруджа:

gabryel bonty
gabryel bonty
4 years ago
Drogogea pamant romanesc.Cadrilater (Dobrogea de sud) pamant romanesc.

The Equinox
The Equinox
11 months ago
That's right, we called our horses Bulgarians.

Arturo Vental
Arturo Vental
7 months ago
Stupid perverted tatarbulgarians mongolids shits Romanians history is towsands of years !

Arturo Vental
Arturo Vental
7 months ago
Mda.. Tracii sun traci adica un fel de veri ai dacilor ( getae in limba greaca ) "cei mai viteji si mai drepti dintre traci ,getaeii" Herodot (imens istoric grec)
Treaba sta in felul urmator : bulagarii sunt bulgari tracii sunt traci . Romanii se inrudesc cu tracii nu cu bulgarii.
Bulgarii au venit in secolul 8 odata cu hoardele de tatari nomazi leprosi ( minciunile lor sunt ca au venit de prin bazinul Volga Rusia )
Confuzia multora este pentru ca Romanii sunt 70% dintre locuitorii Romaniei iar restul sunt bulgari romanizati , unguri romanizati , rusi romanizati tigani evrei si tot felul de borâti de prin turcia siria si alte jeguri
Romanii se stiu intre ei care sunt romani de ai lor.

Arturo Vental
Arturo Vental
7 months ago
Si motivul pentru care prostii astia spun ca Dorbrogea este pamant bulgaresc este pentru ca Dobrogea ( Scitia Minor) a fost inclusa in coridorul imperiului Roman spre Marea Neagra sub denumirea de Moesia Inferior si apare in toate hartile vechi aceasta provincie
Un teriotriu apartine de DREPT urmasilor celor care au locuit si dezvoltat PRiMii acel teritoriu iar Dobrogea apartine dacilor adica Românilor indiferent ce rase de tot cacatul au talharit pe teritoriul acesta

Arturo Vental
Arturo Vental
6 months ago
simeon simeonov hard to understand how in the year 2018 when lies are no longer accepted by people and true can be easy looked up on internet how some tatar-mongols ( bulgarians) can claim "ancestory" on any European soil ?!?!l? How is posible that people with visible Mongolids faces can speek about beeing European ?!?!
Thracian are Thracian and the so called "bulgarian" tatarmongoloids

Arturo Vental
Arturo Vental
6 months ago
simeon simeonov how THE FUCK in Dobrogea was all the time every day for towsands of years Romanian people on their land DiD YOU EVER WONDER THAT iN YOUR MONGOLOiD TATARSTAN litle brain ?!?!????? ( bulgarian came to Dobrogea 10th century , otomans 15th century )
Why you claim a land that are other people ( Romanians) for 10,000 years ???

Arturo Vental
Arturo Vental
6 months ago
simeon simeonov bulgarian = tartarstanmongoloids and Thracia are not bulgaria

Arturo Vental
Arturo Vental
6 months ago
simeon simeonov stupid you are ! Fucking mongoloid tatarmonkeys the most stupid you are

Arturo Vental
Arturo Vental
6 months ago
simeon simeonov you are stupid tatarmongoloidmonkey the most stupi without a brain mongoloid stupid ! Romania defend hundred of years their land against otomans things you cant speek about stupid bulgarians that was otoman stupid bitches
Read some history books and you will know otoman stupid bitches in Balcans was bulgarians and serbs ! Romanians , Greeks , Macedonians ,illiryans defend their teritory against otomans. South Dobrogea also ROMANiAN LAND !
If you bulgarian-tatar-mongoloids stupid monkeys want piece of land go to Mongolian mountains you shit mongoloids without a brain

Arturo Vental
Arturo Vental
6 months ago
simeon simeonov your traditional costume similar to your relatives turkish tatar mongoloid stupid shits

Arturo Vental
6 months ago
simeon simeonov mongoloid stupid idiot read Dobrogea have towsands of years of civilization much more that 14th century when mongols shits like you came to Europe you have no brain read some history

Arturo Vental
Arturo Vental
6 months ago
simeon simeonov you tatar mongol shits go back to mongolia and find your land ! Europe not a place for mongoloids monkeys like you

3 years ago
+KanKubrat1 hey stupid turk, your territories are in Asia

3 years ago
+Branimir Spune-i prietenului tau ca-i un idiot

3 years ago
+KanKubrat1 Eat your pickles and watch these funny dances without being idiot

hack iuli
hack iuli
2 years ago
this is just a lie , in romania we don't have that music , just lies..

Daniel Cozma
Daniel Cozma
9 months ago
Боян Михов We didn't make any "ethnic cleansing", bulgarians went from Dobruja right after WW2 or got assimilated. Which are the centuries of your rules? 5 centuries before 1878 Bulgaria and Dobruja have been conquered by Turks and ruled by them, this is why Turks have been more numerous in Dobruja( in 1878) than Bulgarians and they still exists there.

Daniel Cozma
Daniel Cozma
2 years ago
Northern Dobruja and Southern Dobruja were and will be Romanian, forever!! Fuck BulGAYria!!!!!!!!!!!

Daniel Cozma
Daniel Cozma
1 year ago
+Kilgore Trout I read history, not Bulgarian propaganda! Nope, Romania may exists just from 19th century but Romanian people exists from 1000 AD and nobody was created by the great powers! Transylvania never was inhabited by a Hungarian majority, but of a Romanian one! Same to Dobruja, but the majority was Turkish&Tatar

gicigumi sunset
gicigumi sunset
1 year ago
Kilgorov trout,ugly slav with russian names,what a goofy dance by goofy dancers

Daniel Cozma
Daniel Cozma
1 year ago
Kilgore Trout Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaa, Bulgaria has been born in 1878, so what are you dreaming?

Daniel Cozma
Daniel Cozma
1 year ago
Kilgore Trout The second Bulgarian Empire is called( in our country) the vlacho-bulgarian tsardom) because Ioan and Petru Assan brothers were Vlachs and they liberated your country under Byzantine rule, before that you have been slaves to Byzantines

The Equinox
The Equinox
11 months ago
An empire/tsardom cannot consist of only one nation, so you'd better reconsider your affirmation which sounds more like Bulgarian propaganda. It was called this way because it was formed out of Bulgarians and Wallachians (Vlachs). When the Ottoman Empire assimilated Bulgaria, many Bulgarians found safety in Wallachia at north of the Danube. Bulgarian volunteers were present in the wars of the Wallachian rulers such as Mircea cel Batran, Mihai Viteazul or Vlad Tepes against the Ottomans.
I find it very dissapointing how people ignore the fact that Wallachia and Moldova who formed early Romania, have existed for centuries before and they, together with Transylvania, hold the DNA of most modern Romanians today. You basically ignore centuries of Romania's history just because they united under one name, flag and nation in 1878. And what's even more dissapointing is that Romania and Bulgaria share a common heritage together, but we keep fighting on the internet on who invented warm water and walking.

Daniel Cozma
Daniel Cozma
11 months ago
Kilgore Trout Fuck off, all you say is false

Razvan J
Razvan J
11 months ago (edited)
I'm Romanian and we have retards. Sorry. Dobrugea was under vlach control for a short time. Cos we were partially retarded and didn't knew how to build ships so for us it was worthless. The region has desert areas and a swamp ... the Danube Delta. Was very poor region, poorest in the country.That's where people would go to steal horses cos turks let the horses loose. It was bulgarians, greeks, turks in Dobrugea. We are lucky to have half of it. Now it's one of the most prosperous in the country cos of trade by ship. Really valuable territory. We initially didn't want it, we knew it belonged to Bulgaria, Russia said to take it in exchange for Moldavia. A sad situation where we had to dispute a territory with a neighbour. Of course it was bulgarian, we know that and have no claim to the other half, that's crazy.

Daniel Cozma
Daniel Cozma
11 months ago
Razvan J Think before you say something and make other people "retarded"! The history doesn't matter when you claim a territory, it maters only if that territory is conquered by sword and Romanians did so, in 1913 while Bulgarians just cried after Germans in 1940 to take something! Also, speak Romanian if you are Romanian

Razvan J
Razvan J
11 months ago (edited)
Oh stfu you're pathetic. The bulgarians are among the few countries in the region that have shown stability and consistency in politics. Didn't claim anything that was not their from Romania, didn't supress the vlach minority ... look at Serbia ... 'our orthodox brothers' .... tearing down vlach churches and forcing assimilation, erasing the language with their bullshit nationalism. The people who helped them against the turks. I'm from south ... Wallachia. You're not from the south so stfu. With your pathetic nationalism. You can Google 'bulgarians in Romania'. Bulgarians existed in high numbers in Romania also the 'gagauz' that were resettled from Dobrogea into Moldavia are actually bulgarians ... turkish speaking bulgarians. A fuckin mess. And people like you want to make more of a mess.

Razvan J
Razvan J
11 months ago
Nationalism and revisionism is a serious threat to stability. Even if bulgarians would be nationalists ... we're supposed to play our part clean and not claim anything that is not ours. Doesen't matter what the rest claim. Doing stupid shit cannot be justified with somebody else doing it. Dobrogea was not Romanian. Taking that land came with complications. The turkic/slavic speaking population had to be resettled. Then they rebelled and joined soviets ... then Romania became pariah for using military force against minorities after the gagauz rebellion. Fuck that shit. We should develop what we have and forget about any claim to anything else. We're not an empire

gicigumi sunset
gicigumi sunset
1 year ago (edited)
Hahahahaha 1,16 what a caraghios prick

Romanian Order Mapping
Romanian Order Mapping
11 months ago
lmao i saw many extremists with
Transylvania is Bulgaria
:))))))) Dude there is no bulgarian population there and in north dobruja too

Romanian Order Mapping
Romanian Order Mapping
9 months ago
Then why is a kind of small minority of romanians in south dobrudja? Duh

Arturo Vental
Arturo Vental
7 months ago
Mongols out from Balcanic land ! All this perverted mongolic shits must go back to asia africa

Arturo Vental
Arturo Vental
6 months ago
Bu1garka bulgarian tatar = mongol shit saying all mongolic shits are gay

Arturo Vental
Arturo Vental
6 months ago
Bu1garka bulgaria = gay

Arturo Vental
Arturo Vental
6 months ago
Bu1garka bulgaria are not Thracia

Arturo Vental
Arturo Vental
6 months ago
Bulgaria = Tatarsgtan = Mongolia you stupid gay putanes

Arturo Vental
6 months ago
Bu1garka not even homosexuality is "scintifically proven" you fucking mongoloid monkey :))))))

Arturo Vental
Arturo Vental
6 months ago
Bu1garka bulgaria is 101% gay

Arturo Vental
Arturo Vental
6 months ago
Bu1garka fuck you you tatar mongoloid gay shit

Arturo Vental
Arturo Vental
5 months ago
Bu1garka WTF mongol shit stupid brainless idiot Go BACK ToMONGOLiA you tatar mongoloid

Gheorghe Moraru
Gheorghe Moraru
4 months ago
Bulg Folk! Bulgarian folklore areas have their origin somewhere in central Asia. You should read and learn a little more history...

Gheorghe Moraru
Gheorghe Moraru
4 months ago (edited)
Your „old Bulgarian territory” is in Asia. Romans have never gone there...

Gheorghe Moraru
Gheorghe Moraru
4 months ago
We are only the slaves of ourselves. Latin alphabet is the most advanced in the world. Your azbuka (created actually by the slavs in Asia, there were no Bulgarians at that time) is a barbarian and under-developed alphabet. The whole world tends to adopt the Latin alphabet, including Arabs, Chinese, Indians, etc. Less and less people use the Cyrillic alphabet. What about that stupidity with the A (capital letter) in the middle of the word Bulgarian? I have never seen a more stupid thing so far... Anyway, you have a lot to learn about English language, so you better stop using it. It is not Cyrillic... And what about „Bulgarian colonies”? In this case, somebody could say that YOU are really stupid. Or, maybe, you missed some classes in primary school...

Gheorghe Moraru
Gheorghe Moraru
4 months ago
Hey, Bulg Folk! Dobrogea is the Romanian name of the region. In English, it is called Dobruja. Try to read more about it...

Gheorghe Moraru
Gheorghe Moraru
3 months ago
Pure Bulgarian territory is only somewhere in Asia (you better ask Putin about it, and you will see what you get...). MIGRATORS HAVE NO TERRITORY. The territory south of Danube was always Turkish until 1878. Treaty of Berlin in the 80s? Oh, my God, are there many „intelligent” people like you in Bulgaria? LOOOOOOOOOL

Gheorghe Moraru
3 months ago
Alright, I got it, you are REALLY stupid. „Today's Bulgarian lands” have always been Thracian lands, and Dacians were part of Thracians. Bulgarians came from Asia, and they should better go to Putin and ask some other Dobrudja or something else close to Ural mountains. Dobrudja was for a while TURKISH possession, but never Bulgarian. Your text mentions the Slavic population (be careful: in English, the names of peoples and languages begin with capital letters...). It is right, but they came here too late, the land belonged to our EUROPEAN ancestors: Thracians (not barbarian Asians like you). And you forget that Russian and Romanian armies liberated your present territory from Turks in 1877-78? Again stupid... What Bulgarian army are you talking about? We can beat you using only our military cooks... LOOOL!!!

Gheorghe Moraru
Gheorghe Moraru
3 months ago
I've read everything. You should know that I can write stories much more funny than that one. And I'm sorry to say that you keep on posting bigger and bigger stupidities. Bulgarians were Thracians??? Oh, my God! And who came from Asia??? Perhaps yourselves... Will you ever stop that nonsense? Last, and also least: I will never answer you again because there's no use for me to do that. You keep saying nonsense. Your choice. Anyway and above all, the present truth is that the people in Romania and in Bulgaria face the same problems and we, together, should not fight each other, but fight our common enemies. They are really happy when they see our small countries fighting each other. Unfortunately...

Gheorghe Moraru
Gheorghe Moraru
2 months ago
LOL!!! 100% Bulgarian is in Asia, where your ancestors came from. Go to Putin and ask for it...

Gheorghe Moraru
Gheorghe Moraru
1 month ago
The heartland of Bulgarians is in central ASIA, you stupid! Get back to school and learn history. Did you forget where your ancestors came from?

Gheorghe Moraru
Gheorghe Moraru
1 week ago
LOOOOOOL!!!!! Another stupid. Are there many others like you? Too bad. Our ancestors were born and lived forever in this area (Dacians and Getae, see what Herodot wrote 2000 years ago, you stupid), they did not migrate from anywhere, like yours. And the name Dobrudja comes from the Getae ruler called Dobrotich. At that time, you stupid, there was not even a smell of Bulgarians in the area. All of them were in central Asia... You should read more history. Get to hell back to school!!!

Gheorghe Moraru
Gheorghe Moraru
6 days ago
Try to get more informed. Or get back to school and learn a lot, because there is something wrong with your knowledge... Ask Google about Dobrotich (Добротица in Bulgarian)...

Gheorghe Moraru
Gheorghe Moraru
6 days ago
And also ask Google about real Bulgarian origins in ASIA!

Gheorghe Moraru
Gheorghe Moraru
6 days ago
LOOOOOL Dobrotitsa was NOT Romanian, but Getae (Dacians living in the south-eastern part of the country, as Herodot named them so). Get back to school. There you will find out about Dacians and Romans, our ancestors. Hun(garian)s came in the area a lot later, long after Romanian people was formed by the combination between Dacians and Romans. And the other migrators came and left, their influence on Romnians was insignificant. The same as the influence of BULGARIAN MIGRATORS. But we always lived HERE, in the area of Carpathians, Danube and Black Sea. Our ancestors did not come from ASIA. You are really stupid, I am sorry to say that... Back to school!!!

andrei p
andrei p
3 months ago
there is no such regions as "southern dobrogea" or "northern dobrogea".... there is only 1 "dobrogea" in romania and the romanian region which is currently in bulgaria is called "cadrilater" not "southern dobrudzha".... have a nice day!..... watch replies, grabs popcorn

andrei p
andrei p
3 months ago
the only thing artificial is the name "romania" because the true country name is Dacia, when dacia had dobrogea, bulgaria didnt exist... and another thing artificial are all slavic countries including bulgaria, because you are slavic tribe not thracians, the true thracians are in north-west greece so go back to siberia fucking emmigrant refugees xDD

andrei p
andrei p
3 months ago
dacian vlach romanian, call how you want... you have 1 name and that is siberian slavic refugee xDD

Mario Stoian
Mario Stoian
2 months ago
Dobrogea este în ROMANIA si mai avem o parte la voi la bulgari , niciodata nu o sa fie a bulgariei

Wallachian Knight
Wallachian Knight
3 weeks ago
Бьянка Bianca Mars in mm de bulgar prost! Mars in cacatul ala numit "Bulgaria" !

Claudiu Bratu
Claudiu Bratu
6 months ago
Bulgarii si romanii sunt frați, fac parte din acelasi neam stramosesc!
Gheorghe Moraru
Gheorghe Moraru
4 months ago
Ai idee ce imensă prostie ai scris aici? Sau ai scris doare ca să te afli în treabă, sau ai trecut prin școală la fără frecvență...

Translation: you cucumber [Bulgarians are famed in Romania as prickle makers (prickle = soured cucumber)], I ate polenta in Albena and Bg women were serving me at the table and afterwards I had my penis sucked, therefore fukk off to your Turkey and shut up [notice the reversed chronology ;-) ], you vomited Gypsy of a shepherd that you are [vomited means very ugly, as in "all the Gipsies are ugly, it's like their mothers didn't bear them, they vomited them, that's how ugly they are"]

Romanians' comments on South Dobruja Youtube videos:
ВМРО-МО. Golden Dobrudja /Златна Добруджа/

2 years ago
show hide
Dobrogea is romanian land... this is? a silly clip....

2 years ago
show hide
ah..am uitat. si in mcedonia am dat o muie. si am mancat mamaliga cu kavarma. deci...mars la Turci zdreanta cu ceafa groasa si culege smochine.? sictir jeg bulgar servitor"
Translation: ah, I fogot, in Macedonia [Blagoevgradsko? or maybe FYROM?] I had a Bulgarian blow my ****, I also ate polenta with kavarma, therefore... fucc off to Turkey, you thick-naped asshole, go pick figs there, you Bg servant

2 years ago
show hide
castravete...mamaliga am mancat in Albena si ma serveau bulgaroaice la masa. si am? dat si o muie dupa. deci...mars in turcia ta si taci...tigan borat oier ce esti"
Translation: you cucumber [Bulgarians are famed in Romania as prickle makers (prickle = soured cucumber)], I ate polenta in Albena and Bg women were serving me at the table and afterwards I had my penis sucked, therefore fukk off to your Turkey and shut up [notice the reversed chronology ;-) ], you vomited Gypsy of a shepherd that you are [vomited means very ugly, as in "all the Gipsies are ugly, it's like their mothers didn't bear them, they vomited them, that's how ugly they are"]

Възстановка: "Южна Добруджа - отново българска"

Bulgaria are like Ukraine,not fight to he's teritory....russian pig's fight to Basarabia and nazy army to Cadrilater.
We,romanian,take he's land because WE FIGHT TO CADRILATER.

1940 ~ Връщането на Южна Добруджа

"Dany Man
Even when there will be no romanian in south dobrogea it will still be the most ancient romanian land. Cheers"

Анти-българска статия на английски език написана от румънец, Марку Никулеску:
28 Aug 2018
Marcu Niculescu
Bulgaria Inches Closer to Russia, to the West’s Chagrin
Four years after their plan to transport Russian gas via the South Stream pipeline collapsed, the Bulgarian government is angling yet again to shuttle Gazprom’s immense reserves from Turkey to Europe and has just expanded its Trans Balkan pipeline with this purpose in mind. But the EU is worried that one of its newest members is unprepared to undertake such a project and won’t disburse the gas fairly. More significantly, it frets that Sofia, which held the EU Council Presidency for the first half of 2018, is moving away from Brussels and back towards its former Soviet overlord.
Bulgaria’s new hope to get a piece of Russia’s lucrative gas sales lies with Turk Stream, an €11.4 billion project to send Russian gas to Europe through Turkey, bypassing Ukraine. The first line of the project, already complete, serves local consumers; the second will send over 15 billion cubic metres of gas on to southeast and central Europe. Russia already sends gas to Turkey via Bulgaria, but the line runs through Ukraine—if Moscow cuts Kiev out of the loop next year as it’s hoping to do, Bulgaria risks losing around €100 million a year in transit fees. It’s hoping to replace these with Turk Stream 2, and is lobbying Gazprom and Turkish officials to run the line through Bulgaria’s Black Sea port of Varna rather than through Greece.
Prime Minister Boyko Borissov has expressed confidence that Moscow will give the green light to the rerouting– as long as Bulgaria can find a reliable means to send the gas on to the rest of Europe. Sofia has already talked with Brussels about splitting the gas between trade and transit, sending some of the supply straight on to central Europe and selling the rest at a gas hub at Varna – partially funded by EU money – against at least two rival sources, likely from Greece and Azerbaijan. Because Brussels wants to ensure the European gas market is “diversified and competitive,” it has tentatively agreed to support the gas hub.
Yet some officials point out that Bulgaria still fails to meet the EU’s conditions for being a gas trading hub, and its recent record on energy is far from impeccable. Sofia has yet to fully implement EU energy directives by opening up its cross-border pipelines with Greece and Serbia, and the country has faced criticism for diverting billions in potentially non-compatible state aid to coal-fired power plants.
Against this backdrop, critics fear Bulgaria will simply abandon the trading hub project and send all the Turk Stream gas straight to Europe in order to collect the huge transit fees. After all, this was the plan when South Stream was still in the cards. Worryingly, EU sources say that as long as Bulgaria follows the bloc’s internal energy market rules, there’s little they can do to stop this.
One of the main reasons Brussels wants to ensure diversified energy supplies is the hold Gazprom has over Eastern Europe. The EU waged a seven-year antitrust battle to curb Gazprom’s price dominance in Russia’s former satellites, and Moscow’s aggressive recent history makes officials particularly jittery about outages. The EU openly states that its energy supply strategy was framed by “concerns surrounding the delivery of Russian gas via Ukraine.”
Yet Gazprom remains the sole exporter of gas to Bulgaria. For the EU, which is currently helping the Baltic States decouple themselves from the old Soviet power grid, Sofia’s plan to increase its reliance on Russian energy is an obvious setback – and could be interpreted as a rejection of the very policy designed to protect it.
This all comes just weeks after Bulgarian President Rumen Radev personally backed resuming construction of a second nuclear power plant in Belene, a project started in the late 1980’s, frozen in the 90’s, restarted in the 2000’s and put on hold in 2012 amidst mounting EU pressure to loosen ties with Moscow. Bulgaria’s former energy minister Traicho Traikov has suggested the plant will hemorrhage money and block new technologies, yet Radev insists Belene, which Russian state nuclear company Rosatom has already expressed interest in, “has a future.”
This is part of a wider charm offensive by Radev, who has ignored the international storm surrounding election-meddling and spy-poisoning to strengthen Sofia’s relationship with the Kremlin. Bulgaria was Moscow’s most loyal satellite during the Cold War era but has since strived to assert its independence, ejecting three Russian diplomats at the turn of the millennium and joining NATO. Radev was elected in 2016 on a pledge to rebuild bridges with Moscow, a promise he’s lived up to so far. If the EU wants to maintain sanctions on Putin, he appears indifferent.
Radev has at least pledged continued loyalty to Bulgaria’s NATO allies, and the parliament has approved plans to replace the rusting Soviet MiGs with new planes from Western allies. In a worrying sign of the treatment accorded to Western investors, however, Sofia took the unprecedented step of referring to Brussels the power purchase agreements used to buy energy from two US companies, ContourGlobal and AES. Bulgarian officials insist this decision is about liberalising its energy market, yet when you set it against the choice to restart construction on Belene, it’s easy to see why critics fret about Sofia’s priorities.
Having given Bulgaria the Council Presidency and talked up its Schengen accession, there is little more the EU can do to guide Bulgaria away from Moscow. Perhaps it could try the stick rather than the carrot, getting tough on Sofia over its illegal subsidies and pointing out that EU membership comes with certain obligations.
But at the end of the day, the EU remains constrained by its own rules. If Bulgaria follows the bloc’s own legislation, the EU may be forced to stand back and watch as Radev and Borissov push a Russo-centric energy policy. After months of maintaining a coherent front against Putin, Brussels’ bureaucrats might reflect that their copious rulebook can hinder unity as much as help it.

Статия за България от българин (предател? етнически не-българин?), "едитирана" от румънец (Раду Маринаш), тоест от българофоб.
А Reuters/Ройтърс ненавижда България поради про-русизма й.
SOFIA (Reuters) - Bulgaria’s government approved an action plan on Wednesday that envisages the country entering the “waiting room” for euro membership and also joining the European Union’s banking union by the end of June next year.
Bulgaria applied in July to enter the exchange rate mechanism (ERM-2), a mandatory two-year precursor to adopting the euro, after euro zone finance ministers and the European Central Bank gave Sofia the green light.
Bulgaria, whose lev currency has long been pegged to the euro via a currency board, is the first non-euro zone member to seek to join the banking union, which will allow the ECB to monitor its top lenders.
To enhance its chances, Sofia must improve its macro-financial framework, strengthen supervision of non-banking financial sector including pension funds and insurance firms, as well as working harder for combating money laundering.
It also needs to improve the bankruptcy legal framework after reviewing legislation and drafting the relevant legislative amendments.
“Implementation of the above measures will ensure compliance with pre-commitments in policy areas that are of major importance for the smooth transition to ERM-2 and the banking union by July 2019 and, as a result, the euro will be implemented,” the center-right government said in a statement.
The ECB is expected to carry out an asset quality review and stress tests on Bulgarian banks before it gives its nod for entry in a process that may take a year, but could be longer, depending on the Black Sea nation’s progress.
With low inflation, budget surpluses and low public debt, Bulgaria already meets the nominal criteria for adopting the single currency.
But its economic output per capita is just half the EU average, and widespread graft widespread graft and troubles at some of its banks have cast a shadow over its euro prospects.
Its fourth largest bank collapsed in 2014 and just this week the liquidation of a Cyprus-based insurance company left some 200,000 Bulgarians without car insurance, prompting the resignation of the head of insurance supervision.
Written by Angel Krasimirov Editing by Radu Marinas and Gareth Jones
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